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Showing posts with the label Block elements in HTML


 BLOCK ELEMENTS IN HTML 👉 On this blog We cover a Block Elements In HTML.  ✅ Block elements means its cover a 100% width of elements like DIV elements and other we will show you.. < address > < article > < aside > < blockquote > < canvas > < dd > < div > < dl > < dt > < fieldset > < figcaption > < figure > < footer > < form > < h1 > - < h6 > < header > < hr > < li > < main > < nav > < noscript > < ol > < p > < pre > < section > < table > < tfoot > < ul > < video > ✔ Here we show you Which is Block and Inline Elements <!-- Address Elements --> <address> <strong> ADDRESS ELEMENT </strong> <br> Coding with Negi <br>  123 Street No. 1 Delhi <br> INDIA</address> <!-- ARTICLE --> <article> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing e