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HTML File Paths


In HTML, file paths are used to specify the location of external files, such as images, stylesheets, scripts, and other HTML documents. There are three types of file paths commonly used:

1. **Relative Paths**: Relative paths specify the location of a file relative to the current document. They are defined based on the directory structure of the website. Relative paths can be categorized into two types:

   - **Relative Paths without a leading slash**: These paths are relative to the current directory. For example, if your current file is located at `` and you want to link to an image located in the same directory, you would use `image.jpg` as the path: `<img src="image.jpg">`.

   - **Relative Paths with a leading slash**: These paths are relative to the root directory of the website. For example, if your current file is located at `` and you want to link to a stylesheet located in the root directory, you would use `/css/style.css` as the path: `<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css">`.

2. **Absolute Paths**: Absolute paths specify the complete URL or file path to a resource. They include the protocol (`http://` or `https://`) and the full URL or file path. Absolute paths are typically used when linking to external resources on other websites. For example: `<script src=""></script>`.

3. **Root-Relative Paths**: Root-relative paths are similar to relative paths with a leading slash, but instead of being relative to the website's root directory, they are relative to the server's root directory. They start with a leading slash (`/`) but do not include the domain name. For example: `<img src="/images/image.jpg">`.

It's important to note that the correct usage of file paths depends on the file's location relative to the current HTML document and the desired resource.


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